Friday 8 April 2011

DD's 146th Day

DD is finally home and getting a lot better now. I have been checking his gum and make sure that it doesn't turn pale again. He's still suffering from aneamia and i have to take him for blood test again next friday. I really hope he will get well soon.

This evening I tried testing if he remembers all the commands he has learnt before. Since he's not too motivated by dog food now, I used a little bit of cheese to test him and it worked. hehe...

Saturday 26 March 2011

DD's 133th Day



星期日早上, 冬冬仍然係好唔舒服,我真係越來越驚,帶佢去美孚睇獸醫。因為冬冬第2次的嘔吐物有一條繩的物體,獸醫懷疑有野塞左佢腸裡面導致嘔吐,所以建議照X光。照左X光見到好似有個影。坦白說,我覺得係有個影,但唔係太明顯。我建議幫冬冬驗埋血,醫生開左D藥比佢止嘔,諗住等第二日再照X光,睇下條異物有冇移到位。當晚冬冬仍然係好唔舒服,我好擔心,SET左ALARM每半小時起身一次餵冬冬飲電解水。因為飲得太多佢又嘔,唔飲佢又脫水,而且佢兩日未食過任何野喇。我成晚就係咁睇住佢,但仍然冇好轉過。


星期二下午,我放工就去見獸醫。醫生話冬冬個肝嚴重發炎,應該係急性肝炎,但未知係因為中毒定係病毒引起。但係冬冬已經注射晒疫苗,而且冇同過其他狗接觸。如果係病毒,應該係有潛伏期,但冬冬即時係唔舒服,醫生覺得冬冬係PET SHOP舔到D野而中毒。我問醫生冬冬會唔會有危險,醫生又冇答到我,只係話如果肝炎而產生腹水已經去到一個嚴重既情度。但係幫到冬冬既只有一種叫做『支持療法』,即係吊鹽水同食藥。希望到星期五再驗血時,佢個肝酵素會回落。我可以做的,只有等同埋日日去探冬冬了‥





Sunday 20 March 2011

DD's 127th Day

DD is still so weak. I don't know what he ate. I am so worried and I couldn't eat at all as well.... :(

Saturday 19 March 2011

DD's 126th Day

DD isn't feeling well :( he threw up 5 times ah!

Thursday 17 March 2011

DD's 124th Day

I hurt DD when I opened the door today >.<

Tuesday 15 March 2011

DD's 123th Day

I made dinner for DD today ^_^ I mixed his dog food with omega 3, shredded chicken, carrot and egg white. He must be loving it very much, he licked his bowl for so long after finishing his food. I will make this for him maybe once every two weeks!

It's getting a bit cold this evening. I took DD out for a run after my dinner. It was so hard to make him follow me, he gets distracted so easily and i don't know what would happen if i don't use a leash. He made friend with a pug but he was scared of vehicles and a dalmatian.... I will take DD out more hehe....

Monday 14 March 2011

DD's 122th Day

I trained DD to play dead yesterday for around 15 minutes.... he got distracted again very easily and didn't seem to remember the command. When someone walked pass outside my apartment, he moved his body towards the door and ignored me. I think i should use real treats to train him instead of using normal dog food... it's not really a treat. hahaa... I gave up training him when i noticed that he wasn't concentrating anymore.

This morning i got up and repeated the same commands to DD, surprisingly he remembered them all and did it all! Maybe i trained him before he was fed? ahahahaa... he was very funny when i was preparing food for him. I had to soak his food in water before feeding him, so I left his food on the dining table and I went to wash my face, etc. While i was in the toilet, DD looked at me very cute and when I gave him eye contact, he started moving his body and took me to the dining table. It was like giving me a sign that he wanted the food.... hahaa!!! But i didn't give him his food until he did my commands. My friends said DD is very poor because he won't get his food until he entertained me. Actually I supposed a reasonable time of training will help developing the dog's brain better?! My question here...