Friday 8 April 2011

DD's 146th Day

DD is finally home and getting a lot better now. I have been checking his gum and make sure that it doesn't turn pale again. He's still suffering from aneamia and i have to take him for blood test again next friday. I really hope he will get well soon.

This evening I tried testing if he remembers all the commands he has learnt before. Since he's not too motivated by dog food now, I used a little bit of cheese to test him and it worked. hehe...

Saturday 26 March 2011

DD's 133th Day



星期日早上, 冬冬仍然係好唔舒服,我真係越來越驚,帶佢去美孚睇獸醫。因為冬冬第2次的嘔吐物有一條繩的物體,獸醫懷疑有野塞左佢腸裡面導致嘔吐,所以建議照X光。照左X光見到好似有個影。坦白說,我覺得係有個影,但唔係太明顯。我建議幫冬冬驗埋血,醫生開左D藥比佢止嘔,諗住等第二日再照X光,睇下條異物有冇移到位。當晚冬冬仍然係好唔舒服,我好擔心,SET左ALARM每半小時起身一次餵冬冬飲電解水。因為飲得太多佢又嘔,唔飲佢又脫水,而且佢兩日未食過任何野喇。我成晚就係咁睇住佢,但仍然冇好轉過。


星期二下午,我放工就去見獸醫。醫生話冬冬個肝嚴重發炎,應該係急性肝炎,但未知係因為中毒定係病毒引起。但係冬冬已經注射晒疫苗,而且冇同過其他狗接觸。如果係病毒,應該係有潛伏期,但冬冬即時係唔舒服,醫生覺得冬冬係PET SHOP舔到D野而中毒。我問醫生冬冬會唔會有危險,醫生又冇答到我,只係話如果肝炎而產生腹水已經去到一個嚴重既情度。但係幫到冬冬既只有一種叫做『支持療法』,即係吊鹽水同食藥。希望到星期五再驗血時,佢個肝酵素會回落。我可以做的,只有等同埋日日去探冬冬了‥





Sunday 20 March 2011

DD's 127th Day

DD is still so weak. I don't know what he ate. I am so worried and I couldn't eat at all as well.... :(

Saturday 19 March 2011

DD's 126th Day

DD isn't feeling well :( he threw up 5 times ah!

Thursday 17 March 2011

DD's 124th Day

I hurt DD when I opened the door today >.<

Tuesday 15 March 2011

DD's 123th Day

I made dinner for DD today ^_^ I mixed his dog food with omega 3, shredded chicken, carrot and egg white. He must be loving it very much, he licked his bowl for so long after finishing his food. I will make this for him maybe once every two weeks!

It's getting a bit cold this evening. I took DD out for a run after my dinner. It was so hard to make him follow me, he gets distracted so easily and i don't know what would happen if i don't use a leash. He made friend with a pug but he was scared of vehicles and a dalmatian.... I will take DD out more hehe....

Monday 14 March 2011

DD's 122th Day

I trained DD to play dead yesterday for around 15 minutes.... he got distracted again very easily and didn't seem to remember the command. When someone walked pass outside my apartment, he moved his body towards the door and ignored me. I think i should use real treats to train him instead of using normal dog food... it's not really a treat. hahaa... I gave up training him when i noticed that he wasn't concentrating anymore.

This morning i got up and repeated the same commands to DD, surprisingly he remembered them all and did it all! Maybe i trained him before he was fed? ahahahaa... he was very funny when i was preparing food for him. I had to soak his food in water before feeding him, so I left his food on the dining table and I went to wash my face, etc. While i was in the toilet, DD looked at me very cute and when I gave him eye contact, he started moving his body and took me to the dining table. It was like giving me a sign that he wanted the food.... hahaa!!! But i didn't give him his food until he did my commands. My friends said DD is very poor because he won't get his food until he entertained me. Actually I supposed a reasonable time of training will help developing the dog's brain better?! My question here...

Saturday 12 March 2011

DD Four Months Old! (Day 120)

Yeah! DD is 4 months old today. Took him to meet Fluffy again, but DD didn't like playing with Fluffy :( He barked very loudly when Fluffy jumped onto him. Poor baby!

Thursday 10 March 2011

DD's 118th Day

I think about DD all the time, always wish to go home earlier and see him. I have been sleeping on the sofa and get closer to DD for 2 weeks. Last night he looked at the door and barked when the cleaner walked pass. This morning DD woke me up again at 8am :) my son is very cute!!!

Wednesday 9 March 2011

DD's 117th Day

I fed DD de-worm pill today but he spited it out! Tried 3 times already and i had to mix it with dog food in order to feed him. But he seemed to know the difference in taste, wasn't eating the food as fast as usual.

My mum and dad came to my place in early afternoon, to play with DD and to prepare dinner for me and my sister :) I got home and played with DD for a while.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

DD's 116th Day

DD had his 3rd vaccine yesterday. He didn't scream this time and was so energetic after the vaccine. I'm so glad about this, it seemed that it wasn't too much pain for him ^_^

I bought 5 shoes for DD to chew, they arrived yesterday la!!! yooo! This time he tore the shoe so quick.

Monday 7 March 2011

DD's 115th Day

Had a half day off today and I took DD to the office. hehe! He was so excited and happy to meet everyone!

DD ignored me when i asked him to 'COME'.

Sunday 6 March 2011

DD's 114th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Meal: 8am
First Poo: Between 8:30am and 10am
Second Meal: 6:30pm
Second Poo: 9:30pm
Third Meal: Midnight

I had to work whole day today from 9am to 6pm. I wasn't home for 11 hours and i missed DD so much!!! I rushed home after work and stayed with DD. Took shower for DD again today ^_^

 DD looks so sweet when he sleeps tight!

Saturday 5 March 2011

DD's 113th Day

Wake up time: 9am
First Meal: 10:30am
First Poo: 10:10am
Second Meal: 7pm
Second Poo: Between 7pm and 10pm

Didn't spend a lot of time with DD today :(

Friday 4 March 2011

DD's 112th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Meal: 8:30am
First Poo: 8:45am
Second Meal: 6:30pm
Second Poo: 6:45pm
Third Poo: Between 7:30pm and 10pm
Third Meal: 12:15am

Thursday 3 March 2011

DD's 111th Day

Wake up time: 6:30am
First Poo: Before 6:30am
First Meal: 8:30am
First Poo: Between 9am and 5pm
Second Meal: 7pm
Third Meal: 12:15am

I took DD down the building for a walk today.... he was a little bit scared. hmm, i should actually wait until he's done all three vaccinations before i take him out >.<

Wednesday 2 March 2011

DD's 110th Day!!!!

Wake up time: 7am
First Meal: 8am
First Poo: 8:30am
Second Meal: 6:30pm
Second Poo: 7pm
Third Meal: 12:30am
Third Poo:1am

Went out for dinner today. I don't like leaving DD at home. But my sister was home early and she promised she will play with DD ^_^ just don't want DD to feel too alone as I am always not home during the day, really hope he will get at least two hours attention from us in the evening. Looking at DD really makes me happy.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

DD's 109th Day

First Meal: 8am
First Poo: Between 9:30am and 3pm
Second Meal: 6pm
Second Poo: 6:30pm
Third Meal: 11pm
Third Poo: 11:30pm

Monday 28 February 2011

DD's 108th Day

First Meal: 8am
First Poo: 8:30am
Second Meal: 6:15pm
Second Poo: 7pm
Third Meal: 11pm
Bed time: 1am
Third Poo: 5am

Sunday 27 February 2011

DD's 107th Day

First Poo: Before 8am
First Meal: 10am
First Poo: Between 11am and 12
Second Meal: 7pm
Second Poo: 9pm
Third Meal: midnight
Bed Time: 2am

Saturday 26 February 2011

DD's 106th Day

Wake up time: 8am
First Meal: 8:30am
First Poo: 9am
Second Meal: 12:15pm
Second Poo: Between 2pm and 6pm
Third Meal: 7pm
Third Poo: Between 8pm and 10pm
Bed time: 1am

Played with DD after his first meal in the morning. hehe, i enjoy making DD happy! When he is happy i feel happy too. He isn't being picky on eating recently. He eats whatever I give him, even the old plain dog food.... So i am going to feed him the old dog food until it expires and i will feed him royal canin again.

DD has already been trained to SIT, HAND, DOWN, WAIT, and COME.
What's next?

Friday 25 February 2011

DD's 105th Day

First Poo: Before 7am
Wake up time: 7:15am
First Meal: 8am
Second Poo: 8:30am
Second Meal: 12noon
Second Poo: 5:10pm
Third Meal: 7pm
Third Poo: 7:15pm
Fourth Meal: Midnight
Bed time: 1am
Fourth Poo: 5am

hehehe! I have successfully set up the IP camera and i can now see DD when i am away from him la ^_^

Thursday 24 February 2011

DD's 104th Day

Wake up time: 7:10am
First Poo: 7:20am
First Meal: 8am
Second Poo: 8:20am
Second Meal: 6pm
Third Poo: 6:30pm
Third Meal: 11pm
Bed time: 12:30am

DD has been eating a lot these two days. He could easily clear a while bowl of food and walk back to the bowl hoping for more! I wonder if i should feed him a little more. Now i feed him 3 times a day and he has already gained a lot of weight compare to two weeks ago.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

DD's 103rd Day

Wake up time: don't know when
First Poo: Before 6am
First Meal: 8:15am
First Poo: 8:30am
Second Meal: 6:15pm
Second Poo: 7:30pm
Third Meal: Midnight

I slept on the sofa last night.... DD was sleeping next to me :) I felt so sweet and I had a good dream.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

DD's 102nd Day

Wake up time: Before 7am
First Meal: 7:15am
First Poo: Before 8:15am
Second Meal: 11am
Second Poo: Around 5pm
Third Meal: 6pm
Third Poo: 9pm

DD is gaining more weight la!!!!! I will feed him slightly less amount now..

Monday 21 February 2011

DD's 101st Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Meal: 8am
First Poo: 8:30am
Second Poo: Between 9am and 5pm
Second Meal: 5:40pm
Third Poo: 9pm
Third Meal: 11pm
Fourth Poo: 12:35am
Bed time: 1am

I spent a lot of time playing with DD when i got home today. He is soooo cute and i cant help holding him and stroking him all the time. I treated him cheese while training him yesterday.. hmm, I like DD so much! I moved the furniture in the apartment so the IP camera can cover the whole living room area as well as the corridor to the bedroom. I spent half an hour watching DD on the IP camera while i was in bed, he knew i went into the bedroom and waited for so long outside and hoped that i will go out.... When it gets hotter in the summer i will open my door and let him enjoy the air-con ^.^

Sunday 20 February 2011

DD's 100th Day of Birth ^_^

Wake up time: Unknown
First Meal: 9am
First Poo: 11am
Second Meal: 2:30pm
Third Meal: 7pm
Second Poo: 9:30pm
Bed time: 1am

I think DD's favourite food is cheese! Every time i feed him cheese he eats it so quick and asks for more... hmm! Good to know and i will use cheese to train him ;)

SOOOO CUTE!!! My luck of being able to capture this moment on my iphone.

Saturday 19 February 2011

DD's 99th Day

Wake up time: Unknown
First Meal: 11:30am
First Poo: 12:30pm
Second Meal: 2:30pm
Third Meal: 4:30pm
Second Poo: 6pm
Fourth Meal: 11pm
Fourth Poo: 11:30pm
Bed time: 2am

I went to the pet fair and bought some stuff for DD. A name tag, greenies, new bed, biscuits ^_^ DD was crying when I left home today. He must have had a good time lying in my bed earlier today, he slept very deep with me and Will, so sweet!

 DD's name tag, with my name and address at the back

Friday 18 February 2011

DD's 98th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Meal: 8am
First Poo: 9am
Second Meal: 11am
Second Poo: 1pm
Third Meal: 6:30pm
Third Poo: 7:30pm
Fourth Meal: 10pm

I asked a dog trainer why DD always makes that "wu wu" sound while i'm playing with him. He said that dogs make that sound either because they are too excited or angry. So DD is perhaps happy while making that sound and if he isn't aggressive i shouldn't stop him and just play with him. :) Good knowledge to know.

 I think DD must be feeling so comfortable, he really likes sleeping on his back. And I should have bought him a bigger bed.

Thursday 17 February 2011

DD's 97th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Meal: 8am
First Poo: 8:30am
Second Meal: 2pm
Second Poo: 3pm
Third Meal: 7:30pm
Third Poo: 9pm
Bed time: Midnight

 DD likes stretching his body while sleeping

Wednesday 16 February 2011

DD's 96th Day

Wake up time: 7am
First Meal: 8am
First Poo: 8:15am
Second Meal: 6pm
Second Poo: 7pm
Third Meal: midnight
Third Poo: Before 6am
Bed time: 1am

Don't know why DD started pooing at the same spot but the wrong place recently. He always poo under the table. His poo is quite healthy so I'm ok with it. I couldn't spot him poo at that place otherwise i can correct him again. ARGH!!

 Another cute moment of my son

Tuesday 15 February 2011

DD's 95th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Meal: 8am
First Poo: 8:15am
Second Poo: Between 9am and 6pm
Second Meal: 5:40pm
Third Poo: 6pm
Third Poo: 11:30pm
Fourth Poo: Before 6am

Monday 14 February 2011

DD's 94th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Poo: Before 7:30am
First Meal: 8:15am
Second Poo: Between 9am and 6pm
Second Meal: 6:15pm
Second Poo: Between 6:15pm and 11pm
Third Meal: 11:30pm
Bed time:1am

Will had planned for something on this special day... I said to him that I have to go home to feed DD before we can go out. My sister was home as well so DD was fine. We came back home at around 11pm and played with DD, hehee..

 DD, flowers and me

Sunday 13 February 2011

DD's 93rd Day

Wake up time: Unknown - cos I woke up at 1:30pm!!!
First Meal: 1:45pm (sorry DD, please forgive mama, i overslept >.<)
First Poo: 2:15pm
Second Meal: 6:30pm
Second Poo: between 8pm and 11pm
Third Meal: 11:30pm
Bed time: 1am

 Will and DD

Saturday 12 February 2011


Wake up time: 8am
First Poo: Between 3am and 8am
First Meal: 9am
Second Poo: 10am
Second Meal: 2:30pm
Third Poo: 3pm
Third Meal: 10pm
Third Poo: midnight

Friday 11 February 2011

DD's 91st day :)

Wake up time: 8am
First Meal: 8:15am
First Poo: 8:30am
Second Meal: 2:30pm
Second Poo: 2:45pm
Third Meal: 8pm
Third Poo: 8:15pm
Bed time: 1am

DD's poo time is getting more regular now, actually i know he must poo within 30mins after a meal every day now. His poo texture is getting a lot better after changing to Royal Canin - don't know why but his old dog food was supposed to be healthier ga wor!!! I have been sick for a week already, so worried I will pass the virus to DD, so i don't really get that close with him when playing together. I trained him 'down' today, he could do it within 15mins again, such a smart boy!!! But when i asked him to do it again after a while he seemed to forget it..... hmmmm.... have to be more consistent when i train him next time.

 My son is so adorable!

Thursday 10 February 2011

DD's 90th Day

Wake up time: 8:45am
First Meal: 9am
First Poo: 9:15am
Second Meal: 12noon
Second Poo: Between 12 and 5pm
Third Meal: 5:45pm
Third Poo: 8pm
Fourth Meal: 11:30pm
Bed time: 2am

DD always gets so excited when Will comes to visit him, and he always licks Will's face and chin :p (Never licked mine though, maybe i've got make up on which DD doesn't like??). DD's hair is getting long and I cut some of his hair on his face in case it gets into his eyes, Will plucked DD's ear hair and cleaned his ear, he said i leave all the 'bad jobs' for him to do wor, haha.... not really la. DD still likes him a lot ^^

 DD's favourite sleeping position

Wednesday 9 February 2011

DD's 89th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Poo: Before 7:30am
First Meal: 8:30am
Second Poo: Between 9am and 5:30pm
Second Meal: 5:45pm
Third Poo: 8pm
Fourth Meal: 2am
Bed time: 2:30am

DD has been free from the cage la. He's now well trained using the dog's toilet so I have no worries leaving him home, hehe! When I got back home everything remains normal, he hasn't destroyed anything, my good dd ju is so well-behaved. Just the first incident - he stood on his poo and walked around the plastic mat so left a bit of shitty footprints.. It was not difficult to clean so not really a big problem ^_^

 DD and I

Tuesday 8 February 2011

DD's 88th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Meal: 8:30am
First Poo: 8:45am
Second Meal: 2:15pm
Second Poo: 2:30pm
Third Meal: 8pm
Third Poo: 10:30pm
Fourth Meal: 2am
Bed time: 3am

hehe, it's been two weeks since I have DD ah! He's so cute and gives hands to me all the time. He got too excited yesterday when Will came to visit and he pissed at the wrong place >.<

I didn't spend too much time too close with DD today, got really bad flu and sore throat and cough. Hope DD won't catch my virus la!

 DD was sleeping on the floor in my bedroom when i was sick at home.

Monday 7 February 2011

DD's 87th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Meal: 8am
First Poo: 8:15am
Second Meal: 5:45pm
Second Poo: 6:45pm
Third Meal: 11:45pm
Third Poo: Midnight
Bed time: 1am

DD is a lot more active than yesterday ^_^ so happy to see him being energetic! I feed him Royal Canin now and he's eating a lot more! Royal Canin is quite greasy though, i could feel it when i wash DD's food bowl. I will change a salmon flavour grain free dog food for him when he gets bigger after this bag of Royal Canin.
William came after dinner yesterday and helped DD wash his ears, hehe.. DD's ears are getting cleaner la!!
Unfortunately i got a bad flu today with bad cough and sore throat as well.... i have to stay away from DD to prevent passing him my virus ah >.<

 Will training DD

Sunday 6 February 2011

DD's 86th Day

Wake up time: Before 10am
First Meal: 10:15am
First Poo: 10:30am
Second Meal: 2pm
Second Poo: 3pm
Third Meal: 10:15pm
Third Poo: 10:30pm

Took DD for his 2nd injection today. He is such a baby.... he was crying after the injection and the vet had to put him on the floor, I asked the vet why put him on the floor, he said DD is probably feeling being attacked so have to leave him alone for a while until he calms down. The vet said DD doesn't have major skin problem, probably he's not eating much and the immune system is not perfect, or the weather is too dry etc... I can take a shower for him a few days after the injection and hopefully the dandruff will be gone.
DD is very tired after the injection.. hope he will become active again! I bought another dog food for DD.. i think the old dog food is probably too plain or he is being too picky?! He licked the two types of dog food and spited out the old one but eat the new one. I bought him two new chewing things hope he will chew them but not my fingers!

Saturday 5 February 2011

DD's 85th Day

Fist Poo: 3am
Wake up time: 9am
First Meal: 10:30am
First Poo: 10:45am
Second Meal: 2:30pm
Third Meal: 6:30pm
Fourth Meal: 1am
Second Poo: 1:30am
Bed Time: 2am

Took DD to Helda's place today. He got a bit sick travelling today and threw up the food he ate. When he got to Helda's, he played and slept for most of the time, didn't eat much again! argh, I have to change another more tasty dog food for him and hope he will eat more lor...

Friday 4 February 2011

DD's 84th Day

First Poo: Between 6am and 10am
Wake up time: 10am
First Meal: 10:30am
Second Meal: 3pm
Second Poo: 6:30pm
Third Meal: 7pm
Fourth Meal: 11pm
Bed time: Midnight

DD playing in my bed ^_^

Thursday 3 February 2011

DD's 83rd Day

Wake up time: 10am
First Meal: 10:30am
First Poo: Between noon and 3pm
Second Meal: 3:30pm
Third Meal: 11pm
Second Poo: 11:15pm

Eva and Neo took Fluffy to visit DD today. Their Fluffy is too big compare to DD ah.... DD is too weak to play with Fluffy, when they were playing/ fighting DD screamed and cried... I saw his ear injured :( pain in my heart. Hope it wasn't too painful for DD.
I was too tired ah, got home at 5am and slept after 6am. I fell asleep on the sofa with DD on my chest for 2 hours!! I then woke up and had some food, DD played on his own for a while and now sleeping again.... DD always likes staying with me, so cute ^.^

 Kahlen took this pic when she stayed over.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

DD's 82nd Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Meal: 8am
First Poo: 8:40am
Second Meal: 3pm
Third Meal: 9pm
Second Poo: 10:30pm
Bed time: 11pm

DD has been a very good boy. He stayed in the cage most of the day today, whenever I am home i must open the cage and let him out... but he still prefers staying in the cage even though I let the door open. hmm! it's like a shelter for him when he gets shouted at. haha!

 DD is only scared of Will :( i shouldn't spoil him anymore.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

DD's 81st Day

Wake up time: 8:30am
First Poo: 8:40am
First Meal: 9am
Second Meal: 5:30pm
Second Poo: 10pm
Third Meal: 11:45pm
Bed time: midnight

I got up at 8:30am and saw DD poo on the IP cam, so i woke up at 8:40am to clean DD's cage... He always poo at the edge and it's so hard to clean! He was a bit aggressive today, maybe I tried using the slipper to scare him and he wanted to bark at the slipper.
Daddy plucked DD's ear hair today :) (Daddy said stinky ears). Apparently DD is scared of him hahahaa!

DD looks so aggressive (he really is!) 

Monday 31 January 2011

DD's 80th Day ^.^

Wake up time: 9:15am
First Meal: 9:45am
First Poo: 10:45am
Second Meal: 2:30pm
Second Poo: 8:45pm
Third Meal: 9:30pm
Bed time: 1pm

Kahlen came to play with DD today. I went to buy another dental gum for DD cos he lost the one i bought... =_= 

Sunday 30 January 2011

DD's 79th Day

Wake up time: 10:30am
First Meal: 10:45am
First Poo: 11am
Second Meal: 3:30pm
Third Meal: 10pm
Second Poo: 10:10pm
Bed time: 2am

DD is very lazy today. I always leave the cage door open when I am home or when I just go out for a short while. He stayed in the cage for long time today.... I wish he stayed out more and played with me.

Saturday 29 January 2011

DD's 78th Day

First Poo: Between 4am and 10am
Wake up time: 10am (maybe earlier but he didn't cry at all so I don't know what time exactly he got up)
First Meal: 10:30am
Second Meal: 2pm
Third Meal: 7pm
Fourth Meal: 3am
Second Poo: 3:45am
Bed Time: 3:45am

DD has been such a good boy today! He wee in the cage every time!! I am so glad about this. Will got DD four new clothes... DD looks so cute in the 'No'2' tracksuit.

DD licked himself after drinking some water

Friday 28 January 2011

DD's 77th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Poo: Between 9am and 2pm
Second Meal: 6:30pm
Second Poo: 9:15pm

I bought a surveillance IP camera to monitor DD while I am not home. Still figuring out how to set up the port forwarding thingy.... can anyone help me?
I was checking DD out this morning when I got up at 6:42am. Haha...
 DD 1 month old... he's now so much bigger than this!!

Thursday 27 January 2011

DD's 76th Day

Wake up time: 4am
First Poo: Between 4am and 6am
Second Poo: Between 9am and 4pm
Second Meal: 4:30pm
Third Meal: 7pm
Third Poo: 9:30pm

DD woke me up at 4am!!! ROARRR and he poo on the floor (not in the cage) - WHY! I was mad at him but then i hugged him again. I don't mind cleaning but just because I worried he touched his poo and licked himself, that's what made him caught the worms...

 DD learned the 'Sit' command in 15mins

Wednesday 26 January 2011

DD's 75th Day

Wake up time: 7:30am
First Meal: 8:30am
First Poo: Between noon and 2pm
Second Meal: 2:30pm
Third Meal: 5pm
Fourth Meal: 8:30pm

DD didn't really eat a lot in the first few meals. I tried training him 'SIT' and 'Down'. He sometimes mixed up the two commands, so cute, haha! He is a quick learner - can do both within 15 minutes (trained him 'Sit' already 2 days ago ^.^)

 Super cute ^.^

Tuesday 25 January 2011

DD's 74th Day

Wake up time: 7am
First Poo: 7:35am
First Meal: 7:50am
Second Poo: Between 8:30am and 6pm
Second Meal: 6:30pm
Third Poo: 7pm
Third Meal: 11:30pm
Bed time: Midnight

I slept on sofa last night, so I can be closer to DD and keep him warm =) He starts learning to pee and poo in the cage, so smart! I'm still trying to teach him 'sit', he only does it when there is a treat... maybe it still takes some time for him to understand this command. He recently likes showing his belly and being stroke/tickle by me. hehehe.... very adorable. Went back to the vet after work and he told me to extend the antibiotic for two more days, and take his poo sample for another checkup on 4 Feb. I also need to take him for his 2nd injection by then ;)  I can't wait to take DD out when he's done all the injections~

Monday 24 January 2011

DD's 73rd Day

Wake up time: 7am
First Meal: 7:45am
Second Meal: 6pm
Second Poo: 6:30pm
Third Meal: 10:45pm
Bed Time: 11pm

DD didn't eat much today. He only ate 1/3 of his bowl of food this morning. When I got home i fed him again but he ate just half a bowl. It doesn't seem right as he should be starving by the time I got home. Eva advised me to use chicken as treat to train DD, I used some today to train him as well as to fill him up. It worked very well and DD can do 'SIT' in 15 minutes!!! It didn't work all the time because he got distracted easily... but it was a good start. After training him for a while I went to get some dog food sample and mixed it with his natural dog food. He started eating more, so i thought maybe he doesn't like the natural dog food?! Will said to me that I shouldn't change it for him yet because he's still got a whole month food here. DD again went back to his cage for poo after the meal, well done DD ^.^ Ting came over and played with DD today!

I took DD for his second de-worm 3 days ago and the vet told me that worm is found in DD's stool sample, I hope the de-worm worked la! I helped DD wear the clothes Eva got him, he looks so smart now. hehehe! DD also did the pee in his cage today!!! WOW i hope he will do that every other time!

Ting and DD

Sunday 23 January 2011

DD's 72nd Day

Wake up time: 7am
First Poo: Between 7am and 8am
First Meal: 8am
Second Meal: 5pm
Third Meal: 10:10pm
Second Poo: 11:45pm (Normal Stool!!! I am so pleased!!!!!)

DD doesn't cry as bad as before when I put him in his cage. Maybe he's used to it, sometimes he goes back there himself for a nap. I was very worried about this action, because it seems less energetic. But my friends said that I worry too much as he looks very fine. I really hope so. He didn't poo today after his first two meals, I am wondering what's going on again....... I fed him the third meal at around 10pm, he didn't eat all but he did a poo 45 mins later. Stool was healthy and i feel so relieved :) Will came at night to play with DD and helped me fed DD medicine. DD looked very happy.

Saturday 22 January 2011

DD's 71st Day

Wake up time: 8am
First Poo: Before 9am (loose)
First Meal: 8pm (mixed dog food)
Bed time: 10.30pm

DD had diarrhea yesterday and the stool were so loose. I was so worried and took him the vet and the vet suggested not to feed him any food for a day. Chloe came to play with DD for a while from 3:30pm to 6pm. Then I took him to the vet again, seemed fine. but he got quite tired after home and he's been sleeping. ahhh, i am really worried. I sent his stool sample for checking and the result will be out on Monday, i hope it will be a good news. My friends said i am over-worrying. But he really doesn't seem as energetic as two days ago! sigh......... i almost wanted to cry :(

DD in his luxary cage...

Friday 21 January 2011

DD's 70th Day!!!

First Poo: before 7pm
First Meal: 7:30am
Second Poo: 8:30am
Second Meal: 11:30am
Third Poo: 11:45am
Fourth Poo: 2:45pm
Third Meal: 5:20pm
Fifth Poo: 5:30pm (very loose stool this time ah >.< i am so worried!!!)
Sixth Poo: 8:40pm (ahhhhh >.< why!!!)
Seventh Poo: 10:30pm
Bed time: 12:30am

DD was crying in the middle of the night at 2:30am for around 15 mins, not sure why but i had to ignore him. He cried again this morning from 7am and i tried ignoring him for a while, guess he was a bit hungry so i went out and fed him.
I am soooo happy today! DD was free from the cage this morning, and he remembered his toilet area and back to the cage for his poo (the second poo). I am so glad and praised him "Good Boy", hehe (I feel like a mother watching her own son being able to walk!).
I turned on the radio and tv today to make some noise in the apartment so DD won't feel too lonely. I'd do so when i am not around. Eva told me to put a clock inside his sleeping blanket which will help him sleep. hehe, so much to learn.

William cleaning DD's paws :)

Thursday 20 January 2011

The 69th Day

First Poo: 6am
First Meal: 8am
Socialising: 5am - 8:30am
Second Meal: 6pm
Second Poo: 6:30pm
Socialising: 6pm - 10pm
Third Poo: 11:10pm
Bed Time: Midnight

Bought an auto-feeder for DD and a camera to monitor his behaviour while I am away :)
Bennis and Paul came to visit DD, Mum and sister came back at around 8pm too... So many people were in the apartment and DD got really excited. Today he managed to respond when I call 'Dong Dong' (around 80% of the time I can get his attention when I call his name). hehee!! my smartie.
I guess he's very tired now after constant playing for 4 hours! He's now resting on my lap, i feel so sweet.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

The 68th Day

Wake up time: 7am
First Poo: around 7am
First Meal: 8am
Second Meal: 5:30pm
Second Poo: 6:45pm
Bed time: 1am

DD woke me up at 7am this morning. My mistake of putting the bowl of water next to the edge ah, he was trying to get out and stood in the bowl of water.. I heard him cry and i found his legs wet when i went out. Lucky i got woken up so i could dry him up immediately. His body temperature got a little cold because of this accident :( Hope he won't get sick.
He was very excited this morning when he was taken out from the cage - maybe he was too lonely inside... I fed him 20g at 8:30am this morning.

Video of DD when he arrived home this Monday :) He was resting on Will's belly.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

The 67th Day

Wake up time: 9am
First Poo: around 9am
First Meal: 10am
Second Poo: Between 2 and 6pm
Second Meal: 6:30pm
Bed time: 2am

DD was crying in the kitchen this morning. Actually he only cries when he realises I am around but ignoring him, so if he was on his own he wouldn't cry that bad.

I didn't get much sleep today. Slept at 4am and kept waking up constantly and thinking about the dog. DD doesn't recognise his name yet, and every time he sees me back, he wee immediately! I spent my whole life today wiping his wee. I get bad backache now, but I feel so sweet, haha!

The cage finally arrived - he seemed to enjoy his new place. But I am hoping when he gets all 3 injections done, I will be able to let him out =)

First day of DD's arrivial

Arrived home: 2:30am
Bed time: 5am

I picked up DD at Yuen Long on 17 Jan 2011. He was in a cage when I met him and he was the most energetic comparing to her younger brother and sister. I was a little bit scared.... (my old friends should know that i was afraid of dogs before!). I was a little bit worried that I couldn't handle such energetic dog, he just jumped on everywhere and tried jumping off the sofa.

The first night I took DD home, i felt quite bad because he now gets lonely without his sister and brother :( Just hope he will get used to it soon. He has been behaving well though, hehe... I ordered a very big cage for him but it didn't arrive, so i put him in the kitchen on his first day in my house.